Suck Shit Biohacking Bros: Study Finds Popping Out A Baby Is The Ultimate Age Reversal Hack
The one age reversal method that Bryan Johnson could never do.
DeviantArt’s Top Earning Artist Is Just Someone ‘Making’ Weird Horny AI-Generated Art
What happened to the platform?
Putin Wants To Put A Nuclear Reactor On The Moon
Space Race 2.0, anyone?
No Tinder Matches? Hug A Robot! Science Says It’s (Almost) As Good As A Real Human
Get in quick before it becomes sentient and rejects you too lmao.
Here’s Everything Biohacker Bryan Johnson Is Selling On His $530 ‘Anti-Ageing’ Food List
Your first step to becoming forever young.
Take A Look At The Largest And Most Detailed 3D Map Of The Universe Ever Created
“This is like going from a hand-drawn map of the universe to a satellite image.”
Take A Look At The Rovers Humans Could Be Driving On The Moon In Five Years
One small step for man, one sick lunar burnout for mankind.
NASA Is Giving The Moon Its Own Timezone Because Time Literally Goes Faster Up There
Moon Standard Time? Lunar Standard Time?
NASA Wants To Grow Plants On The Moon If You’re Sick Of Neglecting Your Earth Plants
What on god’s green Earth–sorry, moon?