Reselling video games: This article is sponsored by Robot Cache.
Robot Cache is a new and unique digital store that allows gamers the opportunity to sell their digital games after purchase. Robot Cache was created to return reselling rights to gamers in the digital era, rebuilding a reselling community that dwindled as virtual content displaced hardcopy media. The company also promises to share resell profits with publishers, an entitlement that is traditionally overlooked by physical game retailers.
Robot Cache recently launched in Australia and is running a promotional games festival through December 31. You can claim free complimentary games at the Robot Cache store.
When a game is available only one a CD or DVD, you would own the license via the physical media and could sell or share it as you wish. Selling your license isn’t so simple now that games are downloaded via online distributors. Today, licenses for games are tied to your email and password, making it a security risk to share or sell. You would have to disclose your personal login data to would-be-recipients.
For this reason, gamers have been asking for a safe and secure solution to sell their old games that they no longer play and cannot return.

By using blockchain technology, Robot Cache seems to offer a potential solution to the problem of digital games reselling.
How it works
Here’s how selling games on Robot Cache works: If you have enjoyed a game and don’t intend to play it again, and you’ve owned that game for at least seven days, you can then list the game for sale on Robot Cache.
Games sold by a Robot Cache customer give 70 per cent of the resale value to the publisher, 25 per cent to the gamer, and 5 per cent to Robot Cache. This can be on a sliding scale, depending on the publisher. Some publishers may opt to completely forgo their take of used copies if they wish. Robot Cache handles the digital rights management for everyone in the process.
You can also buy games from publishers in Robot Cache, as you might do on Steam or the like. Games that are initially purchased as “new” by customers on Robot Cache give 95 per cent to the published and 5 per cent to Robot Cache.
Blockchain technology in gaming might make some apprehensive, but Robot Cache believes that Web3 infrastructure applied correctly can enable a fairer share of profits for developers and gamers. Robot Cache CEO Lee Jacobson is aware of the scepticism surrounding Blockchain technology but is confident that it can be used safely and efficiently to solve significant deficiencies in the gaming marketplace.
To further this vision, Robot Cache has partnered with AMD and Ryzen. “AMD is our strategic marketing partner and they have numerous initiatives in Blockchain technology.” Lee Jacobson, Robot Cache CEO told the Chainsaw via email.
“We collaborate with them on various video game campaigns, and our servers run on AMD systems. Our management team has known them for many years and they were fans of what we were trying to do to change the game distribution model, which we felt was inherently broken.”
Reselling video games
Robot Cache also provides the option to sell or buy digital games with the platform’s independent currency, IRON. By sharing your PC’s computing power when idle, you can earn IRON, the platform-specific digital currency that you can use to purchase games. It’s an optional feature you can opt in or out at will, just like reselling.

Robot Cache is in open Beta currently, and plans for moving to a proof of stake as they enter their final phases. “We are currently on the testnet and will move to the mainnet when testing is complete,” noted Jacobson.
Robot Cache hopes to continue innovating itself in the long run; however, it could not share any plans with us. Jacobson noted the following “As we are regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, we, unfortunately, can’t comment on future plans. However, we have a ton of things in the pipeline that we can’t wait to share publicly and will do so at a later date.”
Reselling video games: If you’re keen to find new ways to fund your gaming hobby, download Robot Cache to get started selling. While you’re there, be sure to pick up some great deals throughout the festival.