One of the greatest moments in blockchain history is almost upon us! The Merge upgrade is officially less than 6 hours away and Ethereum fans around the world are teeming with excitement. However, one questions loom heavy in the air: what is the best way to watch the Merge in real time?
Ethereum fans can look forward to watching the Merge across a variety of different platforms, with numerous cryptocurrency commentators hosting live-streamed watch parties across both YouTube and Twitter.
When is the Merge happening?
According the Merge progress tracker:, the Merge is scheduled to go through at 5:20am UTC.
For Ethereum fans living in the EST time zone the Merge will occur at roughly 1:20am, so it would be safest to tune in roughly 30 minutes before to not miss out.
ETH enthusiasts living in Los Angeles & Vancouver in the PDT time zone will be able to catch the action at 10pm.
European Ethereum aficionados living in the CEST time zone, will be able to catch the Merge at just after 7am.
In Sydney, Australia AEST the Merge will go through at approximately 3:20pm, so make sure to tune in before 3 as to not miss the any of the action.
How to watch The Merge LIVE
There’s a smorgasbord of different ways to watch event, so here’s the best of the best when it comes to viewing the Merge!
The Best Merge Countdown Dashboards
There are three main Merge countdown dashboards where fans can view the action:
- — the most aesthetic countdown dashboard.
If you’re interested in watching the action in a social setting, there are multiple organisations live-streaming the event, and they’re not holding back.
Watch The Merge: The Ethereum Foundation Merge Live Stream
The Ethereum foundation’s Merge Viewing Party will include notable guests from Bankless, the Daily Gwei and Ethereum Cat Herders. Expect a lot of fanfare for one of the largest moments in blockchain history. This will most likely be the largest stream and will kick off in roughly 2 hours.
Watch The Merge: Bankless Merge Viewing Party
As always, you can count on Bankless, headed by Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman to be hosting their own live streaming party of the Merge as well.
The Chainlink Official Watch Party
Oracle provider Chainlink (LINK) are also hosting their own live Viewing party set to go live in roughly 4 hours from the time of writing.
Wanna star in an Ethereum documentary?
An upcoming feature documentary about the Ethereum is seeking user-generated footage of how you chose to celebrate the Merge! If you’re throwing an office party, or doing something out of the ordinary for the event, the Ethereum Film team would love to see it.
You can submit recordings to their dropbox here for a chance to be featured in the documentary.
Don’t forget your Proof-of-Merge NFT!
Backed by Crypto VC firm a16z, the Proof of Merge NFT project allows any user to mint an inexpensive (approx. US$2 in gas fees) memento of the Merge. It features two circles that slowly “merge” into a Yin Yang symbol in real time as the Merge draws nearer.