How To Use ChatGPT To Write Your Cover Letter (Plus Prompts)

4 min read

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Ever considered using ChatGPT to write your cover letter? It’s fine if you have. I won’t tell.

Degrading and embarrassing, cover letters are also an essential part of the sad broken process that is The Job Hunt. So why shouldn’t you get some help in the fun and completely not soul-destroying process of begging for a job like a pathetic little mouse pleading for a speck of cheese? 

When it comes to securing employment, ChatGPT could be the answer to your prayers. If used correctly, of course.

First, let’s break down how to use ChatGPT to write your cover letter. It’s not as simple as just typing “write my cover letter” and hitting enter (wouldn’t that be nice). There’s a bit of an art to it.

How to create a cover letter using ChatGPT

Step 1: Know thyself

Before you even open ChatGPT, take a good hard look at yourself. You are pathetic, yes, but what are your strengths? What makes you stand out from the pack? What specific experiences and skills make you a perfect fit for the job? Jot these down. They’ll come in handy later. Go on, everyone has something that makes them stand out. Yes, even you.

Step 2: Feed the beast

Now it’s time to give ChatGPT something to work with. Paste in the job description and your pre-written list of qualifications. Be specific. The more information you provide, the better the output will be. For example:

“I’m applying for the [insert desired role here] position at [company]. I have five years of clown experience. In my current role, I increased juggling output by 40% and generated $500K in circus ticket sales. I’m skilled in SEO and content strategy.”

Step 3: Prompt and refine

Here’s where the magic happens. Prompt ChatGPT to generate a cover letter based on the information you provided. For example:

“Write a compelling cover letter for the Lead Clown position at Local Circus. Highlight my experience increasing circus traffic and juggling. Mention my skills in SEO and content strategy.”

ChatGPT will spit out a draft. Read it over carefully. Is it hitting all the right notes? If not, prompt it again with more specific instructions. Rinse and repeat until you have a solid foundation.

Step 4: Add the human touch

Remember, ChatGPT is not a replacement for your own writing. Once you have a draft you’re happy with, it’s time to infuse it with your personality. 

The 5 best ChatGPT prompts for cover letters

Struggling to come up with the right prompts? Here are a few options (as suggested by our pal, ChatGPT):

Tailored Application Introduction Prompt:

“Generate a cover letter for a [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I have [number] years of experience in [Industry/Field], specifically in [specific tasks or roles]. Highlight my skills in [list of skills] and how they align with the job description provided [link or brief description]. Include a personal anecdote that demonstrates my expertise in [relevant skill or experience].”

Career Transition Cover Letter Prompt:

“Create a cover letter that addresses my transition from [Current Industry/Role] to [New Industry/Role]. Explain my motivation for this change and how my previous experiences in [mention any relevant skills or roles from past] will be beneficial in the new role. Mention specific projects or roles that showcase transferable skills.”

Entry-Level Position Enthusiasm Prompt:

“Write a cover letter for an entry-level [Job Title] position. As a recent graduate from [Your University] with a degree in [Your Major], emphasise my academic achievements, internships, and any relevant projects. Include my enthusiasm for the industry and how I plan to contribute to [Company Name].”

Senior-Level Expertise Demonstration Prompt:

“Draft a cover letter for a senior position in [Industry/Field] at [Company Name]. Summarise my extensive experience of over [number] years, focusing on leadership roles and major accomplishments. Include specific examples where I improved company metrics, led successful teams, or innovated processes. Explain why I am excited about this opportunity and how I can help achieve the company’s goals.”

Creative Industry Dynamic Cover Letter Prompt:

“Compose a cover letter for a position in the creative industry, such as [specific job title, e.g., Graphic Designer, Content Writer] at [Company Name]. Highlight my creative projects from [previous jobs or personal projects], my unique style, and how it aligns with the brand’s aesthetic. Discuss my approach to creativity and problem-solving, and include links to my portfolio or specific works.”

Is it bad to use ChatGPT for a cover letter?

Ah, the elephant in the room. Look, it’s not inherently bad. It’s a tool, just like spell check or Grammarly. The key is to use it responsibly. 

Can employers tell if you use ChatGPT for a cover letter?

Every day it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish between human and AI-generated text. AI detectors simply don’t work and I have a bridge to sell to anyone who forks out money to use one. So the short answer is, no.

That said, there are a few obvious giveaways. Generic, formulaic language is a big one. If your letter reads like it could have been written for any job at any company, that’s a red flag. Overly formal or robotic (lol) prose is another telltale sign. 

But if you use ChatGPT as a starting point, rather than a complete solution, chances are you’ll fly under the radar. Just remember to inject your own voice, highlight your specific qualifications, and triple check for any weird AI mistakes or hallucinations.

Happy job hunting. May the odds be ever in your favour.