VR Porn: Could it drive massive innovation in virtual worlds? Potentially — in fact, virtual reality and sex could save the ailing idea of the metaverse.
The metaverse in its final form isn’t here yet. A lot of people are still trying to figure out what it is, and what it isn’t. Mark Zuckerberg’s attempt at creating a metaverse failed miserably, and many people claim that Web2 gaming is still far better than anything on Web3.
In fact, many commentators also feel that the metaverse will never happen … at all.
If the metaverse ultimately materialises as some expect it to, it seems likely that the porn industry will be the business that pushes it there. Radical statement? Sure, but here’s why that could be the case.
Sex drives innovation
Sex platforms will probably drive innovation in the metaverse, whether we want to admit it or not. We can base this assumption on the history of how the internet evolved. Whenever there is a technological advancement, it’s always those at the fringe who seem to adopt it first. It was cypherpunks and criminals who adopted Bitcoin first and in the case of the internet, porn was one of the first use cases.
At the heart of the issue is that we humans are animals. It is our animalistic drives that will get the metaverse to where it needs to go.
The sex business has been there from the start of the internet. It is thought that the first porn site was sex.com, registered in 1994.
Fast forward to today, and some of the most heavily trafficked sites on earth are porn sites. While many might say porn sites cannot be considered mainstream media, in fact, going purely on clicks, porn is THE most popular media format. Shocking, but true.
As Web3 takes over from Web2, we can only assume that sex offerings online will be as popular as they are now.
Tech developments
Many of the tech developments we enjoy today on Web2 came from innovations which started in the porn industry. It’s true. We have a lot to thank those naked people for.
The porn industry was the first to develop internet cash transactions, upselling inside e-commerce sites, and lobbying for anti-piracy legislation.
These early (horny) adopters looking at porn took the risk of paying with their credit cards. This allowed the technology to grow, and to turn it into something useful for the mainstream.
We now have e-commerce stores online that deliver any product of our wildest dreams. While non-porn people created the internet, it was the porn industry that came up with innovations that made it better.

Streaming porn
As for those streaming services you enjoy, like YouTube and Netflix, they were built on foundations created by the porn industry. It was the porn industry’s fight to increase streaming capabilities that led to improvements we see today.
The porn industry also drove demand for faster download speed and wider bandwidth. Those seamless vids that rarely buffer anymore are thanks to customers of porn downloading lots of gangbangs.
It is not only in this century that sex has driven innovation in the mainstream. Early illustrated erotica is thought to have helped printing presses grow from a cottage business into the industrial complex they are today.
VR porn and sex
Metaverse sex is going to happen, whether humans like it or not. For those that don’t like it, you can at least get by on the knowledge that it will drive innovation for other areas of the metaverse that you do like.
Already, tech boffins have created gloves that let you ‘feel’ in the metaverse. There are great uses of this, and hugging family virtually is one of them. There are also going to be sexy uses of this, because that’s what humans do.
Another new innovation is virtual reality porn. VR porn is already here, and it is growing fast.
If you are a journalist who is invited to try virtual porn, you might want to accept the offer and then write about it. So here we are. Welcome.
Again, like the internet, virtual reality technology wasn’t originally developed for the porn industry, but the porn industry is likely to improve it.
VRPorn.com was one of the first virtual reality websites. They say, “We love VR. VRPorn.com was established in 2013 before most people had even heard the term ‘VR porn’. The site is a driving force for the widespread adoption of virtual reality.”
So what is VR porn like?
VR porn could be a good alternative to the boredom many viewers feel with conventional porn. All users need to do is don a headset.
VRPorn.com has a category that is very women-friendly. You’ll find that it is actually incredibly immersive and utterly believable. You could totally lose yourself in it if you were of that persuasion.
Typically in this category, you will have a scenario of a guy bringing ‘you’ home after a date, saying really nice things like ‘I love you’… and stroking ‘you’ with a rose. And then he goes to town on ‘you’.
While you may not be romantic in your choices of porn, this could possibly change your mind. It is really immersive and a totally different experience to other types of porn. You may just be converted to recommending full immersion pornography to your innocent friends.
VR porn for men
As for looking at VR porn made for men, this may not work for straight women. When looking at normal porn with one man, and one woman having sex (or 5 guys and one woman, and so on) women can picture themselves as the woman.
However VR porn doesn’t let you do that, it is far too realistic. So if the porn is recorded with a headset attached to the male porn star, then it is from his perspective, totally.
A straight woman can feel like she is having sex with another woman, rather than watching a woman have sex with a man, and picturing herself as her. If you are a straight woman, and 0% lesbian, then this won’t be your thing. But lesbians, you’re up, this is likely to be your jam.
What do the guys think?
A male colleague tried virtual reality porn. He said it was so realistic that it makes conventional sex exciting again. “A lot of people won’t go looking for weird stuff because normal VR sex was enough of a turn on.”
Whatever you think about VR porn, as it develops, the tech involved will be very likely to speed up technology used in the metaverse.
For those who believe that the metaverse is coming one day for all of us to enjoy, maybe it will be the porn industry we will have to thank when it finally arrives. It almost seems like the porn industry is the Metaverse’s final hope.