Ex-PMs: It is time to do a Trump and drop your NFT collections … waiting … slowly dehydrating wait … we did it for you!
Somehow, our current and former prime ministers just don’t seem to have the selling power that Trump does. But still, here’s what would happen if they got in the game.
Trump and his NFT collection
Last week, Trump announced that he had launched an NFT collection of NFT trading cards. They did actually have amazing utility. If you bought enough of them, you could have dinner with the ex-President of the US. Plus, you could buy certain NFTs to get one-on-one calls and other benefits.

Of course, all 45,000 NFTs sold out in a day, making news in NFT circles and reconfirming what we already knew — the NFTs ain’t dead at all.
Collectors were already flipping the cards the next day, delighted to be making bank on them.
While Trump has been anti-crypto for quite some time, wife Melania has been pro-NFT, ignoring The Donald and his old-school views. In fact, Melania even has a Christmas NFT collection on sale that comes with Christmas tree ornaments, in a phygital (digital and physical) pairing that is quite the charming product.
Here at the Chainsaw, we feel it is time for our ex-prime ministers to level up and produce their own NFT collectibles. Here is how we see that going.
Anthony Albanese
Albo sure can make a baby cry. We think this moment should be captured forevermore on the blockchain. Maybe the screaming baby can buy the NFT when it’s older to remember the moment that the Daddy of Australia smelled funny and wasn’t his dad.

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd once took to Instagram to show everyone he cut himself shaving. This awkies moment should definitely be preserved for all of eternity. Kev does not give three fecks about what anyone thinks of this picture.

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard, as the only female ex-overlord of Australia, will naturally be able to offer rare traits on her NFT collections. Other rare traits can include being the most easily sunburnt member of parliament and also always having pantsuits that just fit better than both Trump’s and Hillary’s do. These NFTs will be for bougie collectors only.

Tony Abbott
This ex-daddy of Australia single-handedly brought back the budgie smuggler as daywear to the common people of this fine country. He has several pairs of budgies in his wardrobe, and all must be preserved on the blockchain, because why else would we even be here?

Malcolm Turnbull
Donald Trump once said that Malcom Turnbull, ex-PM at large, was “worse than I am” after a phone call between the two.
Trump didn’t take to our Mal at all, and really, this needs to be made into an NFT because it’s just all-round embarrassing for everyone concerned. Worse is that they both used ancient phones from like 1972. Just text each other like normal humans, geez!

Scott Morrison
ScoMo, ex-bossman of Australia, tried his best to be liked by everyday Australians. But in aid of this, he just ended up squashing some poor kid playing soccer on an innocent Saturday. While ScoMo tried his best to be fun-dad-at-large, he really only managed to be awkward-falling-dad who can’t do sport. This moment needs to be made into a digital collectible. Hopefully, it can donate proceeds to kids injured while playing with politicians.

There you have it, these are our suggestions for throwing our NFT hat into the ring when it comes to ex-overlords. Please feel free to suggest any yourself, or even mint some. We are almost certainly dumb enough to buy them.