ChatGPT jobs ai bing bard

An Australian Media Company Is Advertising To Hire A ‘ChatGPT Prompt Editor’

2 min read

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That time has come that most AI fans had predicted: We will not only be encouraged to have skills using language model AIs like ChatGPT, but those skills will be highly desired. ChatGPT jobs are here.

ChatGPT, the popular AI assistant developed by OpenAI, generates human-like responses based on inputted ‘prompts’ from the user, like write 300 words about Bitcoin. The more in-depth and thorough the prompt, the better (or more specific) the response. The idea being that people with the experience or knowledge to input more specific and more detailed prompts will be able to get ChatGPT to yield better results.

This morning, an ad appeared on apparently seeking someone with those very skills.

ChatGPT jobs are now being advertised

The advertiser is a company called Ultimate Edge Communications, a Sydney-based media and communications consultancy firm. It was founded by Aleisha McCall, a former international figure skating champion.

Ultimate Edge advertised the job as a contract position, claiming to be willing to pay a candidate $50 an hour for their skills in leveraging ChatGPT to generate copy.

ChatGPT in ad creation

Much of the position description was, the ad claims, written using ChatGPT. Including the following:

 “Can you prompt ChatGPT and transform its output into compelling copy that captivates audiences and drives sales that win over hearts and minds? We have an exciting opportunity that puts a unique spin on traditional copywriting. Instead of doing all the heavy lifting, your role will be to guide and polish the compelling copy generated by ChatGPT, making it truly shine. As a detail-oriented copywriter with a proven track record of writing persuasive sales copy, you’ll be the master editor and proofreader, transforming the output of ChatGPT into captivating copy that captivates audiences and drives sales, the ad reads.

“In this role, you’ll collaborate closely with ChatGPT, using your expertise to enhance and refine its output. While ChatGPT will do the majority of the writing, you’ll add the finishing touches that turn it into polished, persuasive copy.”


The human element

In a human-written portion of the ad, the position description goes on to state that “THE WORLD HAS CHANGED — we are NOT looking for someone who wants to write copy from scratch. Those days are gone. We need someone who embraces the new AI paradigm and can exploit all its power while minimising its deficiencies and shortcomings QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY. That means getting the tool(s) to do the heavy lifting and providing better copy in less than half the time it would take a human to create. We are already doing this, so if you think this is ambitious, then please don’t apply. This role is not for you.” Make of that what you will.

The company goes on to say that they are not looking for content writers who write blog posts, articles and information guides, whitepapers and reports. “That is now obsolete. We need someone to edit, proof and ‘humanise’ what the AI tools generate.” Though what this means in terms of actual position output remains to be seen, if this position indeed winds up to be legitimate.

The position reportedly seeks someone who already has 3-5 years [experience] of writing copy that generates sales, which seems like a proverbial red flag designed to stir up heat more than anything.

There’s no confirmation as to whether or not this is a legitimate position or some sort of attention-seeking stunt at this stage, and The Chainsaw has reached out to Ultimate Edge for comment. The company had, at the time of writing, not responded.