Have you ever wanted to own a certified piece of crypto history, no matter how tasteless? Well, do I have the property for you. The infamous ‘Crypto House’ is shockingly still up for sale, except now its owners have slashed the original asking price of US$1.2 million down to just US$949,000, a hefty 21% discount.
Located in North Hollywood, the contemporary 4 bedroom, 3 bath home features a pool, spacious outdoor area which its listing agent says is perfect for entertaining and relaxing.
The listing doesn’t make much in the way of reference to the crypto-themed decor that dominates the entire house but then again, it doesn’t really have to, with the the words Crypto House emblazoned in neon on a wall-mounted garden feature that sits adjacent to an actually not-so-hideous navy blue kitchen.

Incredibly, the listing goes on to describe the property as the ideal family home which is currently primed for the right buyer.
Imagine that?
Crypto house: Themes
The parents can enjoy the obviously superior Bitcoin-themed bedroom — which comes complete with fake grass carpet and orange L-shaped sofa — while the kids can sleep in the lowly Dogecoin room.

The notorious ‘crypto house’ was first listed for sale back in October last year. Unsurprisingly, the home was mercilessly dragged across Twitter, with Sara Dadafshar, a Senior Producer at Fortnite Games taking aim at the home’s gaudy decor.
The decorations include everything from a framed artworks of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs all the way to a room plastered with technicolor wallpaper featuring hundreds of the same image of the Dogecoin dog.
If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can make your way to the second bedroom which comes fully decked out with Ethereum (ETH) wallpaper and a tawdry metallic mirror.

‘Guy’ from Coinbureau — one of crypto’s most prominent personalities — declared it the cringiest crypto themed thing he’d seen in a long while. Might as well be a haunted house, he added.
For rent?
Even if you don’t have a spare US$949,000 on hand, you can rent out the property on Airbnb, quite literally whenever you want, because it seems as though no one else wants to stay in the crypto house right now either.
With all of this in mind, the house doesn’t actually appear to be anything special from the outside, looking like any other North Californian home would from the street; a dry-ass lawn with palm trees and a sun-bleached plastic chair.

Speaking to the property’s run-of-the-mill appearance to a passerby on the street, a Twitter user added: “somehow it’s even funnier that it looks plain as hell from the outside”.